BOTTOMLESS – The Banishing (CD 2023)

“The Banishing” – CD 2023
Dying Victims Records – Importado

O  país da bota  é mais conhecido dentro do mundo  do Rock pelas bandas progressivas dos anos 70 e também por gostarem muito de Power Metal. Na Itália existem grandes banda de Metal Extremo como: Imago Mortis (B.M), Opera X (Black Metal), Necromass (Black Metal), Mortuary Drape (Death Metal) e muitas outras que fazem alegria dos amantes dos subterrâneos. Bottomless é um power trio formado por: David Lucido, na bateria, Giorgio Trombino, guitar & vocal, e também por Laura Nardelli no baixo. Esses italianos executam um Heavy Doom Metal com uma ótima proposta musical, bem executada e com garra, mas faltou algo nesse trabalho intitulado “The Banishing”

Vejamos: são oito faixas. Abre com “Let Them Burn” com uma bateria pesada, riffs e bases competentes, e um vocal bem cantado, que remete também aqueles cantores da NWOBHM cheio de belas melodias no vocal, com bastante sentimento e muito bom.

E o CD vai rolando com as faixas “The Great Unknown”, “Guardians of Silence”, “Stand in the Dimming Light”, “By the Sword of the Archangel” e são músicas com ótimas propostas, mas como disse: falta alguma coisa e talvez seja aquela maldade, aquela sujeira e obscuridade que casa perfeitamente com o Heavy Doom Metal. As três últimas faixas, “Illusion Sun”, “Drawn into Yesterday” e “Dark Waters”. E segue na mesma. O som é bom, mas falta pegada. 

Esse trio é competente como instrumentistas, são ótimos músicos e tem ótimas ideias, mas carece de peso, falta uma pegada mais demoníaca em suas composições, e talvez um pouco de “marijuana” para abrir as portas das percepções e viajar na proposta que existe em sua música, já que tem algo de Black Sabbath da fase mais psicodélica e viajante dos pais do Heavy Metal em suas influências. Além do Sabbath ainda encontra – se referências também de  Pentagram, Saint Vitus, Trouble e algo de Candlemass. Talvez se eles fossem mais pelo lado do Heavy Doom sueco os resultados seriam melhores.

A banda não é ruim, longe disso, só falta uma pegada mais evil em sua música e mais peso.


“The Banishing” – CD 2023
Dying Victims Records – Import

The country of the boot is best known within the Rock world for the progressive bands of the 70s and also for their love of Power Metal. In Italy there are great Extreme Metal bands such as: Imago Mortis (B.M), Opera X (Black Metal), Necromass (Black Metal), Mortuary Drape (Death Metal) and many others that make underground lovers happy. Bottomless is a power trio formed by: David Lucido, on drums, Giorgio Trombino, guitar & vocals, and also Laura Nardelli on bass. These Italians perform Heavy Doom Metal with a great musical proposal, well executed and with determination, but something was missing in this work called “The Banishing”.

Let’s see: there are eight tracks. Open with “Let Them Burn” with heavy drums, competent riffs and bases, and a well-sung vocal, which also reminds us of those NWOBHM singers, full of beautiful vocal melodies, with a lot of feeling and very good.

And the CD rolls with the tracks “The Great Unknown”, “Guardians of Silence”, “Stand in the Dimming Light”, “By the Sword of the Archangel” and they are songs with great proposals, but as I said: something is missing and maybe it’s that evil, that dirt and darkness that fits perfectly with Heavy Doom Metal. The last three tracks, “Illusion Sun”, “Drawn into Yesterday” and “Dark Waters”. And it remains the same. The sound is good, but it lacks punch. 

This trio is competent as instrumentalists, they are great musicians and have great ideas, but they lack weight, they lack a more demonic touch in their compositions, and perhaps a little “marijuana” to open the doors of perception and travel in the proposal that exists in their music, as it has something of Black Sabbath from the more psychedelic and traveling phase of Heavy Metal’s parents in its influences. In addition to Sabbath, there are also references to Pentagram, Saint Vitus, Trouble and something from Candlemass. Maybe if they were more on the Swedish Heavy Doom side the results would be better.

The band isn’t bad, far from it, it just lacks a more evil feel to their music and more weight.

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