Fomos contatados recentemente por mais um selo do exterior com o intuito de divulgar os seus materiais. Trata-se da HORROR PAIN GORE DEATH PRODUCTIONS e já começamos essa parceria de divulgação da música extrema com a notícia que o selo assinou com a banda californiana de old school hardcore LIE STILL.
O novo álbum “Severing the Hands of Manipulation and Hate” já se encontra em pré-venda e será lançado no dia 13 de Novembro em formato digital.
Confira abaixo o tracklist:
- Defeated Principles
- Audience To Fools
- Reasoning With The Way Willing
- Decay Of Ideals
- Wallow In Compromise
- Justification To Quit
- Freedom In Individual Courage
- Mentally Outnumbered
- Void Of Action
- Sorrow And Rage
- Combat And Reverse
- Cast From The Throne
- Ascend From Despair
14 Corrosive - Approval From Fools
- Enslaved And Left To Starve
- Strains Of Addiction
- Blood In The Water
- For One Another
- Questions Left Unanswered
- Perpetuation Of The Cycle
- Exceed
- The Binding Lie
Para pré-venda acesse o link: https://hpgd.bandcamp.com/album/severing-the-hands-of-manipulation-and-hate
HORROR PAIN GORE DEATH Productions online:
HPGD Official Website: http://www.horrorpaingoredeath.com/
HPGD no BandCamp: http://hpgd.bandcamp.com/
HPGD no Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pg/horrorpaingoredeath/posts/
HPGD no Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/user/horrorpaingoredeath
HPGD no Twitter: https://twitter.com/hpgd666
HPGD no YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/horrorpaingoredeath/videos
Ouça a pancadaria de “Sorrow and Rage”: